



$('#cyclic').microfiche({ cyclic: true });

$('#buttons').microfiche({ buttons: false });

$('#bullets').microfiche({ bullets: false });

$('#keyboard').microfiche({ keyboard: true });

$('#click').microfiche({ clickToAdvance: true });


Commands are passed to the microfiche method as options, and may be passed at any point.
In this example, the slideByPages(1) command is performed immediately after Microfiche has finished setting up.

$('#commands').microfiche({ slideByPages: 1 });

$('#commands').microfiche({ slideByPages: -1 })
$('#commands').microfiche({ slideByPages: 1 })
$('#commands').microfiche({ slideToPoint: 0 })
$('#commands').microfiche({ jumpToPoint: 0 })
$('#commands').microfiche({ jumpToPage: 2 })


Microfiche emits the following events:

You can listen for them in the usual way:

$('#events').microfiche().on('microfiche:willMove microfiche:didMove', function(event) {

Event received: -

Talking to Microfiche Directly

Microfiche has some useful methods that return values, and so cannot be used through the aforementioned jQuery style syntax. The microfiche object itself is available via jQuery’ data method.



var m = $('#methods').microfiche().data('microfiche');
m.currentPageIndex() // returns 0-index of the current page
m.totalPageCount() // returns the number of pages as an integer
m.min() // returns the minimum (left-most) position
m.max() // returns the maximum (right-most) position


To have Microfiche pause rotation when the user hovers over the carousel, set autopause to true.

cyclic: true,
autoplay: 3,
autopause: true


To refresh an existing Microfiche’s controls and content to adjust to a new container size, call the refresh method.

$('#refresher').microfiche({ cyclic: true });

$('#refresher').css('width', '340px');
$('#refresher').microfiche({ refresh: true });


To have Microfiche automatically refresh when a window resize event is fired, set a debounce rate in ms for refreshOnResize. A value of true indicates a 250ms debounce.

var r = $('#refreshonresize');
r.microfiche({ refreshOnResize: false });   // no refresh (default) 
r.microfiche({ refreshOnResize: true });    // 250ms debounce
r.microfiche({ refreshOnResize: 0 });       // instant refresh 
r.microfiche({ refreshOnResize: 100 });     // 100ms debounce 

Resize your browser window until it's narrower than the example carousel below to see the carousel refresh.

$('#refreshonresize').microfiche({ refreshOnResize: true });

适用浏览器:360、FireFox、Chrome、Safari、Opera、傲游、搜狗、世界之窗. 不支持IE8及以下浏览器。